Singing Guide: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Singing Guide: Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April)

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie in April) is an anime with a musical drama that is sure to inspire upcoming singers. The singer in focus today is Miyazono Kaori. She is an eccentric and expressive violinist whose music-making is animated and passionate. The brilliance of her character shines through her captivating musical performances. By emulating Miyazono Kaori's unique vocal technique, you can take your singing to the next level. Here are tips on how to learn singing like Miyazono Kaori:

  1. Strengthen Your Breath Support – In vocal performances, breathing is crucial. Miyazono's music is emotional, and her singing evokes emotions through her breathing technique, which uses full diaphragmatic breathing. The Farinelli Breathing exercise is a great visualization that can help you achieve full diaphragmatic breathing.

  2. Practice Active Breathing – Active breathing involves conscious control of the breath during a performance. Weak breathing can create vocal constriction. By reading through the Singing Carrots article on Breath Support, you will learn how active breathing can help you avoid vocal constriction.

  3. Warm-Up with Twang Exercises – Miyazono's singing technique is full of energy and brightness, which you can reproduce by practicing the Twang Exercise. The How to Twang Exercise video by Eric Arceneaux guides you through the process.

  4. Experiment with Vibrato – Miyazono's vibrato is a powerful and varied aspect of her singing. You can use the Beggars Bounce and Diaphragm Bounce videos to increase your vibrato skill.

  5. Watch your Posture – Good posture opens up space in the body, promoting focused and clear vocal performance. Singing Carrots' article on "How Posture Affects Your Singing" can teach you more about the benefits of good posture for vocal performances.

  6. Use Song Search to find Miyazono's songs - Miyazono's performances in Your Lie in April are a testament to her exceptional singing ability. Use the Song Search tool to find her songs.

By following these tips and incorporating Miyazono Kaori's emotional and passionate approach to music, you can enhance your vocal performance. Singing Carrots offers resources to build vocal flexibility, improve breath support, and set a solid foundation for a stronger voice. With persistence and dedication, you can learn to sing like Miyazono Kaori.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.